Technician System Components
Technician System Workflow
3Shape Digital Workflow
3Shape Digital Protocol Video
Exocad Digital Protocol Video
Digital Portal Protocol Video
Digital Portal Information
If you intend to produce 3D-printed models for use on our Digital Mounting Adapter, upload the file to the portal on the website, and we will return a 3D print file for articulation.
If you're using 3Shape you will be able to digitally articulate the case with our integrated digital OneBite Evolution system.
If 3D printed models are needed, you will have to mount the 3D printed models via the OneBite Evolution Technician kit how you would with stone models.
If you are using Exocad or our Digital Mounting Adapter for articulation, you will need to send the files and photography to the digital center for processing.
If this is the case, please send the patients upper, lower, bite, and OneBite Digital Cube scans and photography of the patient with the correctly position OneBite Evolution from the front and side.
Digital Mounting Adapter Protocol Video
Digital Mounting Adapter Workflow
Technician Cube Holder Workflow and Assembly
Stylus Workflow and Assembly